Buxton Hotel - Maroondah Highway, Buxton VictoriaBuxton Hotel - Maroondah Highway, Buxton VictoriaBuxton Hotel - Maroondah Highway, Buxton Victoria
Welcome | Bucky Bistro | Bucky Bar | Bucky Beds | Promotions & Events | Photo Gallery | Bushfire Recovery | Contact & Location


We are always trying to have a little something different for entertainment. Keep an eye on this page to see what is up and coming at The Buxton Hotel. We recently held a fundraiser for The Variety Club where we had cars from the Variety Club Bash and celebrity guest Spider Everitt. It was a great day and we hope to have them back next year. We have also held fundraising events to raise money towards the Bushfire Recovery.

Also check out our photo gallery page for a laugh at a few of the functions and events we have held recently.

Click to print this Bucky Buck out and bring it in to receive a $1 discount on you meal in the Bucky Bistro. Conditions apply - only one Bucky Buck per customer
Click to print this Bucky Buck out and bring it in to receive a $1 discount on you meal in the Bucky Bistro. Conditions apply - only one Bucky Buck per customer

Our most recent promotion is a fantastic one for families and groups. We are very excited to get involved with the Buxton Trout & Salmon Farm and Buxton Ridge Winery to bring you this great offer. Try this for a great family day out... Head to the Buxton Trout & Salmon Farm and catch yourself a trout, bring it on over to the Buxton Hotel and the Bucky Bistro staff will cook it up for you to enjoy with a Buxton Ridge Wine!!!! Conditions apply - Only available during meal times 12-2 and 6-8. We will happily chill your catch in the cool room until meals start if you are early! Charges for cooking will apply.


